I am so thankful for the time and effort you put into this document! I have been looking for this analysis for 20 years!
I am very thankful that Wayne Grudem changed his mind about this. Many people still adhere to the previous stance and this kept me in my marriage longer than made sense.
I would really like to see someone do a thorough analysis of the place of the continuing life of the single mom/divorced women in the church family. Too many times I have asked someone to walk through this with me based on the Biblical record and they did a word search on "divorce" without a view to how we should live and without your thorough analysis on the heart of God. There is much discussion about remarriage but mostly silence on staying single even though some expositors would demand it.
I am so thankful for the time and effort you put into this document! I have been looking for this analysis for 20 years!
I am very thankful that Wayne Grudem changed his mind about this. Many people still adhere to the previous stance and this kept me in my marriage longer than made sense.
I would really like to see someone do a thorough analysis of the place of the continuing life of the single mom/divorced women in the church family. Too many times I have asked someone to walk through this with me based on the Biblical record and they did a word search on "divorce" without a view to how we should live and without your thorough analysis on the heart of God. There is much discussion about remarriage but mostly silence on staying single even though some expositors would demand it.